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Case studies & examples
DSWG Recommendations and Findings
The Chief Data Officer Council (CDOC) established a Data Sharing Working Group (DSWG) to help the council understand the varied data-sharing needs and challenges of all agencies across the Federal Government. The DSWG reviewed data-sharing across federal agencies and developed a set of recommendations for improving the methods to access and share data within and between agencies. This report presents the findings of the DSWG’s review and provides recommendations to the CDOC Executive Committee.
Federal Chief Data Officer's Council
Data Skills Training Program Implementation Toolkit
The Data Skills Training Program Implementation Toolkit is designed to provide both small and large agencies with information to develop their own data skills training programs. The information provided will serve as a roadmap to the design, implementation, and administration of federal data skills training programs as agencies address their Federal Data Strategy’s Agency Action 4 gap-closing strategy training component.
FEMA Case Study: Disaster Assistance Program Coordination
In 2008, the Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP), an E-Government initiative led by FEMA with support from 16 U.S. Government partners, launched to simplify the process for disaster survivors to identify and apply for disaster assistance. DAIP utilized existing partner technologies and implemented a services oriented architecture (SOA) that integrated the content management system and rules engine supporting Department of Labor’s applications with FEMA’s Individual Assistance Center application. The FEMA SOA serves as the backbone for data sharing interfaces with three of DAIP’s federal partners and transfers application data to reduce duplicate data entry by disaster survivors.
Fuels Knowledge Graph Project
The Fuels Knowledge Graph Project (FKGP), funded through the Federal Chief Data Officers (CDO) Council, explored the use of knowledge graphs to achieve more consistent and reliable fuel management performance measures. The team hypothesized that better performance measures and an interoperable semantic framework could enhance the ability to understand wildfires and, ultimately, improve outcomes. To develop a more systematic and robust characterization of program outcomes, the FKGP team compiled, reviewed, and analyzed multiple agency glossaries and data sources. The team examined the relationships between them, while documenting the data management necessary for a successful fuels management program.
Helping Baltimore Volunteers Find Where to Help
Bloomberg Government analysts put together a prototype through the Census Bureau’s Opportunity Project to better assess where volunteers should direct litter-clearing efforts. Using Census Bureau and Forest Service information, the team brought a data-driven approach to their work. Their experience reveals how individuals with data expertise can identify a real-world problem that data can help solve, navigate across agencies to find and obtain the most useful data, and work within resource constraints to provide a tool to help address the problem.
How USDA Linked Federal and Commercial Data to Shed Light on the Nutritional Value of Retail Food Sales
Purchase-to-Plate Crosswalk (PPC) links the more than 359,000 food products in a comercial company database to several thousand foods in a series of USDA nutrition databases. By linking existing data resources, USDA was able to enrich and expand the analysis capabilities of both datasets. Since there were no common identifiers between the two data structures, the team used probabilistic and semantic methods to reduce the manual effort required to link the data.
How to Blend Your Data: BEA and BLS Harness Big Data to Gain New Insights about Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S.
A recent collaboration between the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) helps shed light on the segment of the American workforce employed by foreign multinational companies. This case study shows the opportunities of cross-agency data collaboration, as well as some of the challenges of using big data and administrative data in the federal government.
Bureau of Economic Analysis / Bureau of Labor Statistics
data sharing, workforce development, process redesign, Federal Data Strategy
Implementing Federal-Wide Comment Analysis Tools
The CDO Council Comment Analysis pilot has shown that recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) can effectively aid the regulatory comment analysis process. The proof-ofconcept is a standardized toolset intended to support agencies and staff in reviewing and responding to the millions of public comments received each year across government.
Improving Data Access and Data Management: Artificial Intelligence-Generated Metadata Tags at NASA
NASA’s data scientists and research content managers recently built an automated tagging system using machine learning and natural language processing. This system serves as an example of how other agencies can use their own unstructured data to improve information accessibility and promote data reuse.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
metadata, data management, data sharing, process redesign, Federal Data Strategy
Open Energy Data at DOE
This case study details the development of the renewable energy applications built on the Open Energy Information (OpenEI) platform, sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and implemented by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Pairing Government Data with Private-Sector Ingenuity to Take on Unwanted Calls
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) releases data from millions of consumer complaints about unwanted calls to help fuel a myriad of private-sector solutions to tackle the problem. The FTC’s work serves as an example of how agencies can work with the private sector to encourage the innovative use of government data toward solutions that benefit the public.
Federal Trade Commission
data cleaning, Federal Data Strategy, open data, data sharing
Profile in Data Sharing - National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise
The Federal CDO Council’s Data Sharing Working Group highlights successful data sharing activities to recognize mature data sharing practices as well as to incentivize and inspire others to take part in similar collaborations. This Profile in Data Sharing focuses on how the federal government and states support children who are being placed for adoption or foster care across state lines. It greatly reduces the work and time required for states to exchange paperwork and information needed to process the placements. Additionally, NEICE allows child welfare workers to communicate and provide timely updates to courts, relevant private service providers, and families.
Profile in Data Sharing - National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Programs
The Federal CDO Council’s Data Sharing Working Group highlights successful data sharing activities to recognize mature data sharing practices as well as to incentivize and inspire others to take part in similar collaborations. This Profile in Data Sharing focuses on how the Health Resources and Services Administration collaborates with the Department of Education to make it easier to apply to serve medically underserved communities - reducing applicant burden and improving processing efficiency.
Profile in Data Sharing - Roadside Inspection Data
The Federal CDO Council’s Data Sharing Working Group highlights successful data sharing activities to recognize mature data sharing practices as well as to incentivize and inspire others to take part in similar collaborations. This Profile in Data Sharing focuses on how the Department of Transportation collaborates with the Customs and Border Patrol and state partners to prescreen commercial motor vehicles entering the US and to focus inspections on unsafe carriers and drivers.
Profiles in Data Sharing - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
The Federal CDO Council’s Data Sharing Working Group highlights successful data sharing activities to recognize mature data sharing practices as well as to incentivize and inspire others to take part in similar collaborations. This Profile in Data Sharing focuses on how the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control to notify state, local, tribal, and territorial public health authorities so they can connect with individuals in their communities about their potential exposure.
Supercharging Data through Validation as a Service
USDA's Food and Nutrition Service restructured its approach to data validation at the state level using an open-source, API-based validation service managed at the federal level.
Department of Agriculture
data cleaning, data validation, API, data sharing, process redesign, Federal Data Strategy
The Census Bureau Uses Its Own Data to Increase Response Rates, Helps Communities and Other Stakeholders Do the Same
The Census Bureau team produced a new interactive mapping tool in early 2018 called the Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM), an application that resulted in wider use of authoritative Census Bureau data, not only to improve the Census Bureau’s own operational efficiency, but also for use by tribal, state, and local governments, national and local partners, and other community groups. Other agency data practitioners can learn from the Census Bureau team’s experience communicating technical needs to non-technical executives, building analysis tools with widely-used software, and integrating efforts with stakeholders and users.
Census Bureau
open data, data sharing, data management, data analysis, Federal Data Strategy
The Veterans Legacy Memorial
The Veterans Legacy Memorial (VLM) is a digital platform to help families, survivors, and fellow veterans to take a leading role in honoring their beloved veteran. Built on millions of existing National Cemetery Administration (NCA) records in a 25-year-old database, VLM is a powerful example of an agency harnessing the potential of a legacy system to provide a modernized service that better serves the public.
Transitioning to a Data Driven Culture at CMS
This case study describes how CMS announced the creation of the Office of Information Products and Data Analytics (OIPDA) to take the lead in making data use and dissemination a core function of the agency.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
data management, data sharing, data analysis, data analytics
PDF (10 pages)
U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Census Bureau collaborate on national roads and boundaries data
It is a well-kept secret that the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Census Bureau were the original two federal agencies to build the first national digital database of roads and boundaries in the United States. The agencies joined forces to develop homegrown computer software and state of the art technologies to convert existing USGS topographic maps of the nation to the points, lines, and polygons that fueled early GIS. Today, the USGS and Census Bureau have a longstanding goal to leverage and use roads and authoritative boundary datasets.
U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Census Bureau
data management, data sharing, data standards, data validation, data visualization, Federal Data Strategy, geospatial, open data, quality
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Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
The Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) is an interagency committee dedicated to improving the quality of Federal statistics. The FCSM was created by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to inform and advise OMB and the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP) on methodological and statistical issues that affect the quality of Federal data.
Federal Digital Communities of Practice
A subscription list of Federal community of practice email listservs based around digital topics such as open data, user experience, and the U.S. Web Design System. Each community provides an email list to collaborate and share resources with others across government.
See all resources in Communities >
Data management & governance
How copyright applies to U.S. Government Works
Most U.S. government creative works such as writing or images are copyright-free, but there are some exceptions. This resource outlines when and how copyright applies to U.S. government works.
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OMB M-01-05: Guidance on Inter-Agency Sharing of Personal Data – Protecting Personal Privacy
Issues guidance to remind agencies of several privacy-related legal requirements that apply to computer matching and to clarify how agencies should conduct computer matching activities. Dated December 20, 2000.
OMB M-11-02: Sharing Data While Protecting Privacy
Office of Management and Budget memo that encourages Federal agencies to engage in coordinated, collaborated data-sharing in a manner that complies with applicable privacy laws, regulations, and polices. Dated November 3, 2010.
Office of Management and Budget
open data, data sharing, privacy
PDF (4 pages, 70 KB)
OMB M-14-06: Guidance for Providing and Using Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes
To encourage the greater use of administrative data for statistical purposes, this Memorandum provides agencies with guidance for addressing the legal, policy, and operational issues that exist with respect to using administrative data for statistical purposes. Dated February 14, 2014.
OMB M-16-20: Category Management Policy 16-3: Improving the Acquisition and Management of Common Information Technology: Mobile Devices and Services
This memorandum is the third in a series of policies directing covered agencies to improve their Information Technology (IT) commodity management practices. Dated August 4, 2016.
Office of Management and Budget
IT & software investment, data sharing
PDF (8 pages)
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Skills development
How to Get Your Agency’s Data on to
Webinar guide to using, produced by DigitalGov University, an initiative of the General Services Administration.
open data, workforce development, data sharing, data inventory
Video (45 mins)
How to get your Open Data on is the central clearinghouse for open data from the United States federal government and also provides access to many state and local (non-federal) open data resources. Find out below how federal, federal geospatial, and non-federal data is funneled to and how you can get your data federated on for greater discoverability and impact.
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["Case studies & examples", "Skills development"]
Federal CDO Data Skills Training Program Case Studies
This series was developed by the Chief Data Officer Council’s Data Skills & Workforce Development Working Group to provide support to agencies in implementing the Federal Data Strategy’s Agency Action 4 gap-closing strategy training component in FY21.