Results for "DCAT"

Data standards

DCAT-US Schema v1.1 (Project Open Data Metadata Schema)

How to use Project Open Data Metadata Schema guidelines to document and list agency datasets and application programming interfaces (APIs) for hosting at and currently in use at

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)

DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. DCAT-US (used in the Project Open Data Metadata Schema) is based on this W3C data schema.




DCAT, data schema, data standards

Documenting APIs

Further guidance on using the Project Open Data Metadata Schema guidelines to document application programming interfaces (APIs) in data.json files for hosting at

Improving Discoverability, Usability and Governance of Priority Agency Data

To improve the discoverability, usability, and governance of these priority agency data assets agencies shall apply the documenting techniques illustrated below.

Metadata Resources and Field Mappings under the Project Open Data Metadata Schema (DCAT-US Schema v1.1)

Provides further background and resources to assist agencies in implementing the Project Open Data Metadata Schema v1.1. Maps fields from the current version of DCAT-US v1.1 to the previous version of the schema (v1.0), as well as other schemas (CKAN API, DCAT, and

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